There is an American Indian Proverb that states “Never criticize a man until you’re walked a mile in his moccasins.” In this day and age we are so quick to make snap judgments about people before we get to know them. We hear gossip or we see something on their Facebook page and we think that we know who they are and what they are about. The Book of Mormon tells us “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Judge not, that ye be not judged” (3 Nephi 14: 1).
The difficulty, however, lies in our willingness to “walk a mile.” Sometimes we find ourselves not wanting to take the time to get know someone. We are just too busy to care. Sometimes we don’t want to put ourselves out there for people to get to know. We are afraid of rejection.
I, myself, have a very hard time letting people in. I have a natural shyness that can repel people from trying to get to know me. I’ve also lived in a situation that taught me to hide my true self and to use my emotions to block people and keep them out. It was a survival technique, a defense mechanism that I used to keep the pain and hurt and fear at a minimum. Unfortunately, I’ve hidden so well that it’s taking a long time to come out of my shell. This may be seen to some as snobbery or nastiness but it’s only a façade used for protection.
I have a story to tell, we all do. If we would take the time to listen to each other’s stories, to follow the admonition of Martin Luther King Jr and “judge people by the content of their character” and not by their Facebook page, our world would be more like Heaven, peaceful and filled with love.
I am shy but I am also fiercely loyal, nurturing and kind. I would do anything to help anyone in need and try to give service where I can. I am a survivor. I love life and all the beautiful things of this world. Please listen to my story and “walk a mile” with me. I think you would like what you’d see if you only took the time.
I Love you Rachel!!